Tuesday 1 August 2017

Cinnamon & Honey

The Combination of Honey and Cinnamon is widely used in the traditional parts of Asia as a form of Ayurveda  medicine. It has the following benefits;

  • It boosts the Immune System
  • Prevention of Heart Diseases, Arthritis, Hair Loss, Bladder Infections, Tooth problems, Cholesterol, COLDS, Indigestion, Longer Life Span, Reduction of Pimples, Obesity and Bad breadth.
Home remedies for weight loss with Honey and Cinnamon:

If you are looking to reduce your lower belly, here is an effective way to use this combination;
Take 1 tsp of cinnamon in a glass.  Pour 1 glass of hot water.  Allow this mixture to cool for 30 minutes.  Filter the mixture, add 2 tsp of honey.  Take half-a-glass before going to bed and refrigerate the other half.  In the morning, remove this mixture from the fridge, allow it to come to room temperature and take it in empty stomach.  You will start seeing the results in few days;

Caution:  Those who have liver disease, please do not follow this;  Also, cinnamon causes acidity, so care has to be taken.  This mixture should not be taken by people who are under other medications.

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All information on grannyhomeremdies.blogspot.com is not a substitute for professional medical advice. For specific medical advice and treatment, please consult your doctor. We will not be liable for any complications, or other medical accidents arising from the use of any information on this web site. After reading these remedies the responsibility lies on the readers, whether they further use these remedies or not. I have collected these remedies from different sources such as books (translated from tamil to english) and some of the remedies are given by my mother-in-law. Rekha Srinivasan